extra info

Information that you might (if reading this website) find useful, interesting or helpful is listed here. This is in addition to the information bank of tips and information I am building over in the Tools & Techniques and Fibres & Fabrics pages.

>> I am building this website during Warwickshire Open Studios 2020  in lieu of physically opening my studio during the arts weeks (20 June - 5 July). So expect it to grow exponentially for a while and then be gently maintained as and when after July 2020. <<

Generally the links on this page will lead to external websites or items within them. For each item here I have some connection or personal experience of using/visiting/belonging to it. However I don't control or maintain these sites so if links from here stop working, or suddenly start leading to a fetish (or oven cleaning) site, assume I don't realise that things have changed and please drop me a line.

Thanks for looking.

 The umbrella Association to which UK-based guilds belong. AGWSD runs biennial summer schools, conferences and exhibitions and also offers accreditation and assessment in the form of the Certificate of Achievements and Foundation Certificates.
AGWSD also publishes The Journal for Weavers Spinners and Dyers, quarterly.

 I hold a Certificate of Achievement in Spinning (awarded 2018) and was an elected member of the General Purposes Council of AGWSD from 2013-2015 whilst convening the 2015 AGWSD Summer School (held in Warwickshire). I have been a member on the Online Guild of WSD (the largest and most international of the guilds) since 2013 and I have been a member of Stratford upon Avon Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers since 2015. Other guilds local to Warwickshire are based in Coventry, Northamptonshire and Leicestershire (you can find contact details of all guilds on the AGWD home page). Very experienced members at all of these who have lots to share about crafts that they are passionate about. They all welcome newcomers to the crafts and usually offer local workshops, talks, sales and loan schemes.